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Friday 7 September 2012


Thanks a bunch for all supports.
I'm particularly grateful to Capt. Mani
who taught me and cleared me this morning.
It's nothing but I finally completed my first solo
which was a very important milestone in my pilot's life
as APAC 10S this morning after so long.

It was fun and it was an unforgettable experience.
Everything was okay until I touched down.
The aircraft bounced and started to go sideward,
but luckily, after hearing Capt. Mani ask me to relax
via the company frequency, 
I somehow managed to bring the aircraft 
back to the centerline in the end. 

That's it. Now I can finally feel relieved.
You have no ideas how tense I was at first
when I was the only one yet to do solo.

Happy lar? Not really.
There's still a very long journey ahead for me.
I should not slack off but I will learn to relax.


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