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Friday 31 August 2012

Merdeka 2012

If he could not land an aircraft safely,
he should not be called as a pilot -
from Edison Tang on 31/8/2012
which would be the most unforgettable
Merdeka day ever for him.

The boy still hasn't clear his first solo yet.
And the funniest thing for the day is that
he doesn't even know the feeling of hunger.

Indeed, he's a poor guy with no sensibility.

Merdeka! I love you Malaysia.
Ground school, I hope you treat me well,
much better.

Thursday 30 August 2012

2nd Attempt.

I might be good at academy but
I'm definitely not a good flyer,
please stop telling me that I'm good,
whether you are saying what you feel,
or you just want to encourage me,
because it somehow hurts me. Sigh.
Nothing's wrong with the instructor,
it's just my performance not up to his expectation.

Don't weep, I say,
although it's a regret,
I'll certainly try my best next time.

Congratulations to Aidan for clearing first SOLO.
My new callsign would be APAC 5362.

Last but not least, do not take things for granted,
no-one, including the Penghulu,
should be blamed for the warning letter.
He's in a difficult position to deal with all parties.
We are a team, at least I believe some of us
are still really trying to be an united team.

Adam is really a nice guy. Serious :)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Solo Check

Sometimes, I think company is too stringent 
to restrict us from going home even though
we have nothing else to do at the hostel.
But, trying to mull over all things in their shoes,
I think they are right also because they don't want 
to pay responsibility for our safety outside the academy.
Besides, we are their future pilots and they expect us
to study and improve ourselves at all times to be a better pilot.

Anyway, I hope they can take more of our welfare and feelings into consideration.

Congratulations to:
APAC 5357 - Freddie
APAC 5358 - Kelvin
APAC 5359 - Izzan
APAC 5360 - Tanker

Two people left which are Aidan and me.
I'm nervous to the maximum right now.
Capt. Aung said my circuit techniques and final were good
but aircraft was floating during landing because of strong tailwind.
I'm not sure if he told me the truth or he was trying to encourage me.
Anyway, let's see how I would perform in SOLO check.

Saturday 25 August 2012


I somehow feel abashed by their praise,
when they say I'm good while I think I'm not,
no matter they are sincere or making fun of me.
They might have seen my best, but not the worst yet.

Recently I have lost my confidence in circuit exercises.
From takeoff, upwind, crosswind, downwind, base, final, round out, level off, 
the last and the most difficult one for me -  flare.
I don't know. My performance was just not up to my expectation.
Don't tell me that my self-requirements are too high. It's supposed to be so.
Anyway, I hope I could do it and clear my first solo eventually.
That's all. The sequences and beautiful callsigns are nothing to me already.

Both Capt. Mani and Jackie asked me if I was scared.
I couldn't deny it but I believe, going along with the training,
some time and experience will help me to overcome the fear sometime later.

Anyway, congratulations to:
APAC 5351 - Shatish
APAC 5352 - Zamri
APAC 5353 - Adam
APAC 5354 - Alex
APAC 5355 - Daniel
APAC 5356 - Inyggaran

Six more to go.

Sunday 12 August 2012


To the God,
To the Sky,
To the People,
To the Little men,

Please give us some chances,
it's not too much, we just want to clear solo
before we go back to ground school on 26th.
It's only a few days, a few sorties, a few hours.

I consider myself a realistic people
but some guys are just way better than me,
friends, you don't need to be so,
we all don't need to be so.

Bless me,
Clear the sky,
Understand and help us,
All for One, One for All :)

Last Thursday, Capt. Feavin and Capt. David
from our company came to visit us after so long,
they asked for our progress and also told us that
my batch was expected to be manpower on March 2014.
I hope it would be true and we all reach the goal by the timeline.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The captain's rules.

Two rules that a co-pilot must remember.
Rule 1: The captain is always right.
Rule 2: If the captain is wrong, see Rule 1.

Of course, we are not talking about emergencies now,
unnormal behaviours or non-standard procedures
which might hazard the safety of the aircraft are also excluded,
other than these situations, yes I agree that captain is always right.

Even though he's wrong, refer to the second rule.
You could try to correct him in a proper manner
but you should not embarass him. That's the way.

APAC 06 is not going to fly with us any more.
I would miss him and his mega punches.


Sometimes, I'm just kind of freaked out
by those extreme aviation enthusiasts who are so
over-passionate and over-obsessed with aircraft.

You know? I believe other poeple
might feel the same as well.
It's a bit annoying to see people non-stop
post or share things about aviation on Facebook
after we come back from an exhausting flight.

We always admire their enthusiasm.
But please at least give us a second or two to breathe properly.

Last but not least, stop telling pilots that you envy them.
Most of them don't like hearing this but they won't tell you.
Remember, there's a saying in Chinese which sounds,
"I see you good, You see me good only".

Monday 6 August 2012

Make yourself happy and that's it.

There are so many affairs in this world of human,
not every one you can care,
the more you care, the more you hurt,
sometimes, we just have to let go.

Giving up something to get something else.
It's fair. Make yourself happy, that's it.

Control your sentiments but not be used by them.