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Sunday 16 June 2013

Hello off day!

If you ask me what I don't like about TGG detachment,
it must be the hostel because I'd always prefer 
to stay alone and have some personal space 
as it does affect the level of my comfort sometimes.
I don't have any opinion on my roommates, 
but try to imagine the noises and annoyance 
when everyone is in the room, talking on the phone, 
chitchatting with someone about something
which you're not interested to know(You can't close your ears though :P) 
or when everyone is watching their own favourite YouTube channels. 

For example,
someone's watching "Pranking shows" while
you're listening to Beethoven or ThePianoGuys
and none of you wants to use headset or
turn down the volume. (Example only, Don't "terasa" :P)

Was thinking to wish my father Happy Father's Day
but I feel embarrassed. Maybe an sms will do.
Love, is that really hard to say?

Anyway, off today! Hello weekend!
Continue "Heartbeat..I can feel your heartbeat."

Next destinations for navigation:
Kota Bharu
And many more in CPL stage.

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