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Saturday 1 December 2012


Haven't had any new posts for one month
because of my busy study life and relentless examinations
but all these are over now. 
Thanks Buddha, I'm finally done with Phase1
and I'm now entering second week of Phase2
which finally gives me a chance to take a breath.

Results for Phase1 are not fully released yet.
However, according to the Chief Ground Instructor,
I passed all my DCAT papers which consisted of
two Air Laws and one Human Performance Limitations.
Meanwhile, results for JAA papers might only be out next week.
but I think there shouldn't be any problems.

Coming to the last month of 2012, I hope everything would be fine.
There's so much going on recently, I shall pray more to Buddha,
for my dear family and friends. Let's have a good one.

*DCAT = Department of Civil Aviation(Malaysia) Test
*JAA = Joint Aviation Authorities, it's a common high standard and mutual recognition between its member countries, which our flight crew licensing complies to. At the moment as you are reading this, this standard is in transition to EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) standard. Well, there's actually nothing different, maybe the fees are increased and the way of conducting the tests are changed.

Maybe there's such a thing as karma in relationships. 
A retribution to me for ignoring my friends.
I don't have any ill intentions but I actually thought
we could be friend, like we did few years back.
I'm not dry, but I hope I have someone
to text when I'm bored or not in the mood.
My fault, I have lost so many friends these few years,
I think I'll try to contact some of them back,
the rest would be let go. 

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