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Monday 5 September 2011


Talking about things can be hard,
especially if they are difficult feelings,
for example, confession,
those three words look simple,
but we know it's a lot of courage
that you need to support them.

I don't really dare to talk,
so that as an alternate,
I started blogging and converting
my every sensation into words,
in a way that I think it's cool,
with a stupid assumption that
everyone would read and understand me
by reading my words,
although it's not at most of the times.

都不会放弃的傻子 - 《偷心大圣ps男》

Revision time. Good Luck :DDD
Final examinations of Semester 4.

I have a target that I have loved for four years.
Sometimes, I think she knows about my feeling
even though I did not confess to her "properly".
Didn't plan to do so at the very beginning because
I was afraid of losing a friend, not planning to do so
at the moment because I believe she is already in a relationship.
I suck, keep convincing myself that I will do so eventually but actually not. :DDDDDD
However, I believe she may have already got irritated and impatient
with the timidity and cowardice of the boy who have been taking 
four years to summon the nerve to ask her out :DDDDDDDD

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